Aiyana Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

41 Union Sq W Ste 519
New York City, NY 10003
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Next Level Elevator Services
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  • • New & Refurbished Curved & Straight Stair Lifts
(718) 874-3076
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Things To Do in New York City, NY

The Museum at FIT The Museum at FIT

Fashionistas will enjoy exploring The Museum at FIT, home to important collections of clothing, textiles and accessories. The museum's exhibits explore 250 years of fashion history through expositions like London Fashion, The Corset:Fashioning the Body, and Gothic: Dark Glamour. The main floor of the museum features the only permanent fashion history exhibit in the nation, The Fashion and Textile History Gallery. The gallery is changed every six months and features a rotating selection of about 200 historically significant pieces from the museum's collection.

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New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza

Take the time to pay your respects to our military by visiting the New York City Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza. The memorial features Honor Plaques, a Reflecting Fountain, a Memorial Wall featuring letters from soldiers, and the Walk of Honor, etched with all 1,741 names of those who were killed in Vietnam.

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New York City's Big Apple Circus New York City's Big Apple Circus

Experience the city version of the circus at New York City's Big Apple Circus. Trapeze acts, acrobats, and animal performances are all a part of the show! Features of the show include a singing Ringmistress and The Big Apple Circus Band, all with bright costumes and colorful choreography. You and your family have never seen a circus like this before.

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